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LOVELY bouquet
LOVELY bouquet
LOVELY bouquet
LOVELY bouquet
LOVELY bouquet
LOVELY bouquet
LOVELY bouquet

LOVELY bouquet

Regular price $70 Unit price  per 

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Imagine a beautiful bouquet combining deep red and pure white roses. The red roses, velvety and rich, represent passion, while the white roses symbolize purity. They are artfully arranged, with the contrasting colors creating a visually stunning display. Mixed in among the roses are golden Ferrero Rocher chocolates, nestled within the bouquet like luxurious treasures. The gold wrappers gleam against the soft petals, adding an indulgent touch. The bouquet is wrapped in elegant, sheer fabric or paper, tied with a ribbon that complements the colors of the roses and chocolates. Perfect for anniversary gifts, gifts for her or him, or just because.

If you would like to add any personalized touch to your order that we do not list here. Kindly contact us through any of the below, to accommodate your request.


Instagram: BerrySweetCreations_FL

Whatsapp: ‪+1 (813) 709‑2241

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 Please note these are fresh roses ONLY AVAILABLE FOR PICKUP OR LOCAL DELIVERY


LOVELY bouquet
LOVELY bouquet
LOVELY bouquet
LOVELY bouquet
LOVELY bouquet